DAP+ Case Conferencing Clinics

The Diabetes Alliance Program Plus (DAP+) combines the specialist skills of diabetes educators and endocrinologists who travel to a patient’s own General Practice or Aboriginal Medical Service to work with the patient’s own general practitioner and practice nurse, with the primary objective of improving knowledge, confidence and skills.

DAP+ Case Conferences

DAP+ diabetes specialist teams (endocrinologist and Diabetes educator) visit general practices or Aboriginal Medical Services for full-day case conferencing clinics aiming to see ten (10) patients each day. On clinic days, the diabetes specialist team consults patients with their usual GP and Practice Nurse and together they create an individualised diabetes care plan for the patient.

DAP+ comprises an initial case conference clinic and a six (6) month follow-up clinic with the same patients.

Clinics involve:

  • An Endocrinologist

  • Diabetes Educator

  • General Practitioner (GP)

  • Practice Nurse (PN)

  • A Primary Health Network Practice support and improvement officer to support the smooth running of the clinic day.

 The DAP+ team provides support and guidance with administrative and recruitment activities, and ongoing support to embed quality improvement activity following the clinic.